Saturday, August 31, 2019

Motivation Theory Essay

Introduction Nowadays, most companies’ goal is to maximise its profit. To do so, the component of the company must cooperate with each other. The senior (CEO and managers) must build a good relationship with the junior (employees) in order to know the thought of the employees. After understanding the thought and the needs of the workers, the next step is applying motivation theory to the employees in order to achieve the goal of the company. There are many motivation theories in managing human resources, but none is universally accepted. Each theory has its strength and weakness. It depends on the senior thought to decide which theory they will use to motivate their workers. This essay will discuss about the content theory of Herzberg Motivation-Hygiene Theory and the process theory of Adam’s Equity Theory. It also discusses how job design can affect employee’s motivation and the similarities and differences from both theories. Content theories Content theories explain the needs of individuals that required individual to fulfil them, factors that motivate people in workplace and what drive people behaviour. There are four pioneers in content theory of motivation: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, Alderfer’s ERG Theory, McClelland’s Theory of Needs, and McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y. The Motivation-Hygiene Theory Frederick Herzberg was an American psychologist and professor of management (Herzberg 1968). He was known for acquainting job enrichment and Motivation-Hygiene Theory into business management. This theory is a result from a research study made by Frederick Herzberg and his partners (Mausner & Snyderman) at the University of Pittsburgh in 1950s. Some studies do find similarities between Herzberg’s and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory which divides the need of an employee into two level, high-order needs (self-actualisation needs and esteem needs) and lower-order need (social needs, salary needs and physiological needs), but yet there is no strong evidence to support those similarities. Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory was based on the result of the survey of 200 engineers and accountants in Pittsburgh that he made in 1950s. Each subject was asked to describe the time in their work is when they felt happy and unhappy and the description of events that give them positive and negative feeling. And as a result from the survey, Herzberg concluded that there are two-factor theory that affects an employee performance on workplace. Satisfier or motivator on the job What satisfies and motivates employees in workplace is called motivation factors. Each subject from the research study pointed a different factor that motivates them in workplace. As a conclusion from the survey, Herzberg concluded that there are 6 factors that motivate workers on their work. These factors related to job content; intrinsic factors that are related to workers’ work. Motivator factors leads to a higher effort, performance and satisfaction of an employee to their job. Motivation factors are required if managers want to maximise workers performance in workplace. According to Herzberg, workers will not perform maximum in their work if one of these factors are absent (Wood 2006). An absence of one of these factors can caused dissatisfaction on work. Similarly, if all the factors are present, it can cause job satisfaction (Ivancevich & Matteson 1999). These factors are similar to Maslow’s higher order need. Based on Herzberg’s survey, the 6 factors that motivate a worker in workplace are: * Achievement Employee performing well on their jobs in order to achieve something such as: promotion, bonus, reward, self-esteem. * Recognition Employees will be more motivated if they feel they have received the appropriate recognition from company. * Responsibility Employees will perform maximise if they realize that they have responsibility for their work and to the company. * Work itself Job satisfaction will be achieve if the employees itself feels comfortable and enjoy their work itself. * Advancement Employees are motivated because there is promotion on their job. * Personal growth Employees point out that the job itself gives them a new knowledge. Workers will get motivated when there is a reward for their work. An extra authority of the job from managers will motivated them as they realized that they have responsibility for their work. As they are more motivated for their work, their performance will improve and this will give them more skill which affect their personal growth. Dissatisfier of hygiene factor on the job Without hygiene factors, workers will become dissatisfied and they will not perform well on their job. Hygiene factors which include the environment of workplace do not higher the worker motivation, but they do have big influence on workers performance because without them, workers will not perform maximises. According to Herzberg’s theory, beside a strong motivation that motivates the employees to perform maximise on their work, a comfortable and supporting workplace also affect their performance. Lambert (2008) stated that dissatisfiers are not the main cause that caused employee leaving an organisation, but they are the main causes that caused employees unhappy on their work and absenteeism. The 8 factors that prevent dissatisfaction of workers in workplace which related to job context; the environment and extrinsic factors of the job according to Herzberg’s research: * Company policy and administration * Supervision * Relationship with supervisor * Work conditions * Salary * Relationship with co-workers * Status * Security Process theory Process theory provides the understanding of how thought processes of people mind influence an individual behaviour and how it motivates the individual. Two famous process theories of motivation that are known in business management are Adam’s equity theory and Vroom’s expectancy theory. Equity theory Equity theory is a thought where workers’ motivation is affected by the work outcomes that they receive from the company as the exchange rewards for their work. This theory was also considered as one of the justice theories because it believes that workers will be more motivated if they have received a proper treatment as they have contributed to the company. Equity theory was developed in 1963 by John Stacey Adams; a workplace and behavioural psychologist. Workers tend to compare their efforts and performance with their co-workers. A comparison with others results to three conclusion: * Under-rewarded: input > outcomes * Over-rewarded: input < outcomes * Equitably rewarded: input = outcomes Negative inequity is a result from the unequal rewards that an employee received for the inputs that the employees have contributed to the company (Wood 2006). The following ways are you to recover negative felt inequity of an employee: – changing inputs – changing outcomes – changing attitudes of the workers itself Motivating with equity theory To motivate workers with equity theory, managers are required to design an appropriate reward for workers. There are 3 steps in motivating workers with equity theory: * Setting rewards for workers. * Workers make equity comparison. * Workers’ job satisfaction and performance are affected. (Wood 2006) How can job design affect employee’s motivation? Job design is a process which provides way to make a planning for specific job task to ensure that the job itself is well organized. It also removes the obstacle that might obstruct the work. A proper job design will lead job satisfaction, improve employee motivation, reduced employees turnover and absenteeism (Brannick & Levine 2002). There are four methods that are used to improve work efficiency and job satisfaction: * Job simplification * Job enlargement * Job rotation * Job enrichment Job enrichment Job enrichment was also introduced by Frederick Herzberg. Job enrichment is the practice of building motivating factors into job content (Wood 2006, p. 162). This strategy of job design is focusing on expanding and evaluating the employee’s tasks. This action is made to improve the work processes and environments to that the employees are satisfy and perform well on their work. Some workers might feel bored and unsatisfied with their work due to lack of a challenge, repetitive work procedures. Job enrichment makes work more challenging so that the workers are more motivated. Job enrichment is an on-going management process, so the result will affect the workers for a long time (Herzberg 2008). Because the effects are long lasting, managers should decide carefully before making decision to apply job enrichment to the workers. There are three steps techniques to apply job enrichment to workers: 1. Turn employees’ effort into performance. 2. Link employees’ performance directly to reward. 3. Make sure the employee wants the reward. Managers should apply job design to every worker in order to achieve job satisfaction and to avoid skills mismatch of employee and their job which will decrease the productivity level of the employee. Job design can be done by doing observation and interviews to employees to know what are their skills and needs (Hackman 1976). This will help managers to decide which job is appropriate for the workers. Job design makes workers work easier as their task has been planned and scheduled so that the obstacle that will face less obstacle during their work. Comparison Both Adam’s Equity Theory and Herzberg’s motivation factors believes that one of the factors that affects worker’s performance is the payoff that they received from the company as a payment for their contribution to the company. If they feel that they have received unequal payoff for their hard work, they will not perform well and this tend to make them decrease their work performance. The reward can be in form of bonus, promotion, and reward. There are two types of rewards that can boost workers’ performance: intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards. Intrinsic rewards are rewards that are part of the job itself and it can increases personal satisfaction and self-esteem and is self-rewarded. Some example of intrinsic rewards is: feedback, responsibility, praise or rewards that are self-administered. Extrinsic rewards are rewards external from the job, i.e., bonus, promotion, awards, pays, days off. Frederick Herzberg founds out that intrinsic rewards are stronger than extrinsic rewards because rewards like money tend to be â€Å"zero out†. If a worker always get praise by their manager or co-workers which increase the personal satisfaction, this will keep motivated them to perform well and as the payoff is, they get more bonus from the company. To sum up, intrinsic rewards may lead to extrinsic rewards. Contrast Based on Herzberg’s research survey, most of the factors which can lead to workers dissatisfaction are related to work environment. The condition of workplace environment is very influential to worker performance because if the workers feel uncomfortable with the environment workplace, they will not perform well on their work (Locke 1976). As an example, a workplace without any fan or air conditioner will make workers cannot focus maximise as the temperature is hot. While Adam’s Equity Theory only claims that workers’ performance is affected by the outcome that they received from the company. Bibliography Brannick, M. T. and Levine, E. L., 2002. Job analysis. CA: Sage Publications, Inc. Hackman, J. R. 1976. Work design. Santa Monica, CA: Goodyear. Herzberg, F. 1968. One more time: how do you motivate employees?. Harvard Business Review, vol. 46(1), pp. 53–62. Herzberg, F., 2008. One more time: how do you motivate employees?. Harvard Business Review, 65(5), pp.109-120. Ivancevich, J. M. and Matteson, M. T., 1999. Organizational behaviour and management. 5th ed. Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book Co. Lambert, L., 2008. Exit stage right. HRMonthly, February Issue, pp. 28-31. Locke, 1976. Organizational behavior: affect in the workplace. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, p. 282. Wood, J. et al., 2006. Organisational behaviour core concepts and applications. Milton Qld: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

Philosophy of Music Education in the Indian Context Essay

These goals must be the first and foremost reason why we teach music. To instill an even greater understanding and love of the domain thus enabling our students develop a genuine interest and continue a life long journey that’s undertaken in varying degrees and through diverse roles. Phenix (1986) stress on the fact that knowledge of methods makes it possible for a person to continue learning and undertake inquiries on his own (p. 11). Estelle Jorgenson in her book â€Å"Transforming Music Education† eloquently describes the need for music education to be transformed for the very reason that children be able to continue developing their knowledge beyond the classroom. Effective music education is built of a foundation that encompasses discussions, goals, materials and strategies, based on a teacher’s knowledge and experience of music and child development, educational guidelines and â€Å"overarching, and developing philosophy of music education† (Fiske, 2012). Before I elucidate my philosophy about music, I recognize the need to clarify my stand as a music educator who is passionate and determined to elevate the status of music education within classrooms around India. My Musical Experiences Music has always been a part of me for as long as I can remember. My earliest memories of music, especially the performance aspect, goes back to when I was three years old and sang a solo for a Christmas Concert that was organized by the radio station that my father worked at. I have memories of him kneeling on one knee and playing the guitar for me while I sang after which I was delighted to receive a big present from Santa. Ever since, I have enjoyed performing, and have so felt so comfortable on stage. All along I grew up listening to Christian gospel music and many contemporary arrangements of hymns. Supplementary to that my father offered me a rich experience of Indian hindustani devotional music. I learned songs by ear and didn’t realize what I was missing at this point, imagining what I learned in music to be the only way to absorb and internalize it. Performing was something that I enjoyed doing and it came naturally to me, partly because of my early initiation into leading worship at church. My true test of endurance came about when I was introduced to Western Classical Music at the age of 14, through the study of two years of piano. My teacher, like many others around, displayed an extremely formalistic approach and didn’t do much to expand my understanding of music beyond what was on the page and how I was supposed to read it. In response to this method I didn’t enjoy learning from the pages of notated music books, as much as I did learning by ear, and I continued to develop as a musician who played by ear and improvised at will. Studying opera during undergrad was a trying phase for me because of my inability to â€Å"connect the dots† as easily as I should have been able to. My aural skills remained excellent and I sometimes relied on that to carry me through certain phases. Hard work and determination became my motto, and I spent hours to understand and perfect music that was assigned to me, as I wanted to do my very best. Although I had composed songs earlier, without notating them, the study of music theory opened up a whole new world for me. I could now add variety and richness to my music through the concepts I was learning. Music became a new language for me; I was captivated by the way it lent itself to diverse experiences through different musical roles (something that I wasn’t aware of or didn’t pay attention to earlier). As a Music Teacher Although I initially joined a conservatory to study vocal performance, I found myself deeply drawn towards music education, and during my second semester decided to learn more about devising meaningful and persuasive trategies to improve the standard of music education in India. This thought emerged from an understanding that I had felt almost cheated for having lost out on so many years of studying music formally, yet effectively. I didn’t have a choice because structured music instruction simply wasn’t available at all the schools that I studied in, or the quality of instruction didn’t serve the purpose of educating or informing students like me. What gave the impression of a music class/lesson at school was in reality an enthusiastic way of keeping students occupied for forty minutes in simple singing, with a concert for parents every once a year. We learned songs by rote to perform them, year after year. During those years though, I didn’t realize the limitations that this system came with and continued to enjoy the fact that I was in choir and able to sing. This vacuum remains largely visible and unattended to in schools today, although some music educators in the recent past have taken huge steps towards improving the quality and effectiveness of their instruction in classrooms around India. Their efforts however remain predominantly an enthusiastic endeavor. What is urgently required is certainly something much more than sincere teaching. It calls for a transformation of the present system, giving room for every child to receive superior music education that fits into the whole. The need of every student being met in a transformed educational framework that constantly reshapes itself to accommodate new ideas and strategies. After all, as Regelski (2003) rightly points out that music (music education) is for everyone and not just for an elite few. The turning point in my decision to finally teach music myself came about when I enrolled my four-year-old daughter, Tiara, for after-school piano lessons. I hoped to give her a head start, with the understanding that she needn’t have to face the same challenges in learning music, like I had to. However, after a few classes, I realized to my complete dissatisfaction that there was no structure, no thought and imagination, and no clarity in what was being thought to her. Her fingering on the piano was all over the place for the two songs that her teacher worked on â€Å"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. † And â€Å"Baa Baa Black Sheep† Her teacher (I later learned wasn’t introduced to classical notation), taught her these songs by writing letters in a book and instructing her to commit it to heart. Lesson after lesson they would follow the same outline with no emphasis on any other musical aspects whatsoever. I decided I wasn’t going to take this lying down! I had to do all within my capacity to change the face of music education, as the vast majority of people understand it. I began studying about music education as well, to inform and equip myself for the task at hand. Around this period, my voice teacher encouraged me to coach students in voice, and I began shying away from it believing I was under qualified and needed many years of study to begin teaching. However, with a newfound passion and vigor, I accepted to coaching some of his voice students and also began to teach small groups of students on the history of music (because I loved learning about it). Meanwhile, I started training both my young daughters at home constantly developing new ideas and strategies to introduce musical concepts to them. A friend noticed my teaching style and asked if I would teach her daughter too, and thus began my professional journey as a music educator. Four years since then, I find myself accountable for the music instruction I offer to over 250 children across various age groups, who are part of my school. The need is so great within schools, and only a few educators are willing to take the extra effort of educating themselves and being channels of superior music instruction-catalysts of sorts. I am blessed to have a team of ten teachers who share in my vision and work alongside me in imparting music to the children who are part of our music school, â€Å"Harmony†. My long-term vision is to enhance the music programs in India for the betterment of as many children as possible. Individuals don’t realize what they’re missing until they’ve been given a taste of it, a glimpse of the bigger picture (much like my case). Through our school performances I aim on providing a window for the change to take place. A transformation that not only affects my students, but others around them as well through their personal interactions with each other and the community as a whole. My Personal Philosophy â€Å"A field or discipline without philosophical guidance, without critically examined ideals and commitment to their revision in light of the diverse and changing needs of those it seeks to serve, is more akin to an occupation han a profession† (Bowman & Frega, 2012, p. 23). For my vision to bear fruit and show evidence of becoming something concrete, I realize the need to develop my philosophy of music to an extent that equips me with the requisite tools to be able to initiate the change that I seek after. In the words of Jorgenson (2008), â€Å"I want to excavate beneath the superficial and demonstrable skills to think about the ideas and principles of music teaching, the things that drive and shape †. According to Kivy (2002), â€Å"A practice or discipline or body of knowledge, then, seems to become ‘eligible’ (If that is the right word) for philosophy, properly so–called, when it becomes for us a way of life: when it cuts so deeply into our natures as human beings that we are impelled to explore and reveal its innermost workings† (p. 7). It is necessary for me to â€Å"clarify the major dimensions of musical experience† so I can â€Å"effectively offer them to, and nurture them within, â€Å" my students (Reimer, 2003, p. 9), this despite the passion and conviction with which I teach and advocate the need for arts in schools. I have begun to develop a synergistic mindset in my philosophy of music education after my reading and researching the literature, coupled with practical experiences over the last few years. Reimer (2003) points out â€Å" A synergistic mind-set is one open to cooperation as an alternative to contention, to searching for points of agreement or confluence as an alternative to fixating on discord, to recognizing nuances in which seemingly opposed views are capable of some level of contention† (p. 30). I agree with Reimer’s democratic view that musical meaning is meaning that â€Å"individuals choose to give to and take from music, based on their life experiences and their musical orientations. † He further adds that there is to be no â€Å"one right way†, and calls for an adaptation of a synergistic blend in music teaching. Music must involve decision making through discernment and connections within a particular role (Reimer, 2003, p. 213). Eisner (1987) illuminates the need for a curriculum that â€Å"exploits the various forms of representation and that utilizes all of the senses to help students learn what a period of history feels like†(p. 7). Similarly, offering students a basis for understanding music in all contexts involves a thorough exploration of musical meaning within its definitive parameters, along with contemplation or reflection. Introducing students to the music and other art forms of various cultures is a wonderful way to broaden their understanding of the meaning of music. A student does not need to lose his own musical identity in order to study other music. On the contrary, in learning about other music, a student’s life is enriched. Reimer states, â€Å"In the spirit of adding to the self rather than substituting other selves for one’s self, the study of the music of foreign cultures enriches the souls of all who are engaged in it† (p. 191). Music and Meaning As advocates of music, music educators are often expected to express the meaning of music through words, yet words are incapable of truly describing the beauty and emotion felt through experience. â€Å"The concern is not to arrive at a definition and to close the book, but to arrive at an experience† (Ciardi, 1975, p. ). Ciardi states that there â€Å"still lingers belief that a dictionary definition is a satisfactory description of an idea or of an experience† (p. 1). Words may attempt to describe music, yet true meaning must be derived from the actual music experience Reimer (2003) discusses the difference between meanings drawn from words or language and the meanings found through music. He writes, â€Å"Language is created and shared through the processes of conceptualization and communication. Music is created and shared through the process of artistic/aesthetic perceptual structuring, yielding meanings language cannot represent† (p. 133). â€Å"The real power of music lies in the fact that it can be â€Å"true† to the life of feeling in a way that language cannot† (Langer, 1942, p. 197). Phenix (1986) highlights the need to look for aesthetic meaning in music concluding that there has to be a delicate balance between descriptive proposition that serves the purpose of laying out a historical background and allowing for freedom to gain perceptual features. Though music may evoke emotions in my students as they compose or serve as an outlet for their feelings when they perform, the ultimate significance of music lies in its ability to symbolize/portray deeply felt emotions. In the pages of his article, How Does a Poem Mean, John Ciardi (1975) shares with the reader his view that language is not capable of completely conveying the meaning that is discovered through experience. Living through the poetry is more powerful than attempting to interpret it. I believe that language does, however, serve a purpose of enhancing and is required when teaching for musical meaning. Words such as diction, metaphor, rhythm, and counter rhythm describe elements that lead to the understanding of form. Once a student can identify changes in the form through performance, â€Å"he will have identified the poem in action† (p. 95). He will no longer ask what the poem means but will see â€Å"how it means† (p. 95). Ciardi suggests questions such as, â€Å"Why does it build itself into a form out of images, ideas, rhythms? How do these elements become the meaning? † and â€Å"How are they inseparable from the meaning? † (p. 100). These questions are helpful in leading a student to the ultimate meaningful experience. Likewise, music students may use their knowledge of musical elements, such as rhythm and dynamics, to see â€Å"how† a piece of music means. Reimer (2003) says language has the essential function of disclosing and explaining the music. Music elements are inseparable from the performance of the music as they help to explain the musical experience. On their own, however, words and definitions remain dull and lifeless. I believe students should be immersed in the experience, while in a chorus, performing their instruments and listening to those around them. Meaning can be discovered through active participation in music and through the emotion and beauty the music portrays, for â€Å"Music means whatever a person experiences when involved with music† (Reimer, 2003, p. 133). Ciardi’s (1975) statement: â€Å"It is the experience, not the final examination, that counts† (p. 3) is particularly striking. The Indian society places high emphasis on examinations in music as with other subjects, very often overlooking the need for students to value their experience through the process of learning. I sometimes feel pressured by the community to meet high concert performance expectations and good examination results. Although I recognize that performance and the International music exams is a wonderful opportunity in which students can share their music with the community, or understand their level of competency, the true reflection of meaning in the music should be experienced in day-to-day music making within my classroom. I do my best not to focus on the examination repertoire alone but to include other music as well giving them a chance to draw out meanings and experience the music. Ciardi (1975) describes a poem as a â€Å"dynamic and living thing† (p. 10). He continues stating, â€Å"One experiences it as one experiences life. One is never done with it: every time he looks he sees something new, and it changes even as he watches† (p. 10). Similarly, music is capable of revealing something new each time it is experienced. The meanings my students derive from an initial listening of a piece of music may be vastly different than the meanings understood months or years later. The meaning of music constantly changes with personal life experiences and new perspectives. Reimer claims, â€Å"Music education exists to nurture people’s potential to gain deeper, broader, more significant musical meanings† (p. 133). I believe my students should derive their own meanings from the musical experience and without my influence. By explaining meanings to them, I face the fear of casting into oblivion the celebration of their own unique experience with the music, much the same way a language teacher might, in more ways than one, take away from the experience of a students â€Å"feelingful† experience of poetry as she explains the meaning in the verses of the poem. Instead of teaching â€Å"what† music means, I will instruct students on â€Å"how† music means, enabling them to derive meaning from experiences that occur beyond the classroom, and within their own roles. Feeling through Music â€Å"Music does for feeling what language does for thought† (Bowman, 1998, p. 200). As a musician, I understand the power of music to evoke feelings. Listening to or performing a great work of music in a concert hall may bring tears or chills to the musician in a way that only music is capable. Similarly, students’ emotional lives may be heightened by experiences in the classroom. According to Reimer (2003), the â€Å"emotional dimension of music-its power to make us feel, and to â€Å"know† through feeling-is probably its most important defining characteristic† (p. 72). In Western history, emotion has often been regarded less valuable than intellect (Reimer, 2003). Some people do not consider the arts to be as important as other core subjects such as math and reading in education due to the belief that arts are based on emotions and not reasoning or intellect. Recently, however, scientific scholars have begun to recognize that human intelligence, or cognition, is exhibited in a variety of forms, directly related to functions of the body, and tied to feeling. Dimensions of the mind, once thought to be separate and unrelated, are now known to work together, contributing to the things we know and experience. Anthony Damasio, a research neurologist, believes â€Å"feeling is likely to be the key factor in human consciousness itself and an essential ingredient in human cognition† (Reimer, 2003, p. 76). The capacity to feel â€Å"pervades and directs all we undergo as living, aware creatures† (p. 8). â€Å"Direct experiences of feeling are embodied in music and made available to the bodied experience of those engaged with it† (p. 80). The use of descriptive and symbolic language in the classroom, in the teaching of a varied repertoire of expressive music, aids in drawing out these responses of feeling from students. Including music that is heavy and loud or delicate and light will bring out an array of feelings. I believe students should be given an opportunity to articulate these feelings through journaling and in-class discussion.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Lipid Profiles In Postmenopausal Women Health And Social Care Essay

Aim: Aromatase inhibitors are presently used in accessory to the former gold criterion Tamoxifen or as first line hormone therapy in postmenopausal adult females with chest malignant neoplastic disease. Suppressing the aromatase mechanism of action impedes the synthesis of estrogen, forestalling estrogen protection on lipid profiles. This literature reappraisal examines, discusses, and analyzes peer-reviewed published clinical tests analyzing the effects of anastrozole, exemestane, and letrozole, on lipid profiles in postmenopausal adult females with estrogen dependent chest malignant neoplastic disease. Decisions: Overall, there are minimum, if any, unfavourable effects of aromatase inhibitors on lipid profiles. However, restrictions of little population sizes, fluctuations in design methods, and old Tamoxifen usage, make it hard to accurately assess hazard. Long term prospective surveies utilizing big sample sizes and patients with no exposure to any other hormone intervention besides aromatase inhibitors, are needed to accurately measure if inauspicious effects on lipid profiles exist from the utilizing aromatase inhibitors. Healthcare professionals should go on to supervise lipoids in postmenopausal adult females with chest malignant neoplastic disease and develop individualized intervention programs utilizing current recommendations. Cardinal Wordss: aromatase inhibitor, chest malignant neoplastic disease, post-maturity, lipid, Anastrozole, Letrozole, Exemestane, cholesterin, and lipid metamorphosis. Aromatase Inhibitors Risk of Adverse Effects on Lipid Profiles in Postmenopausal Women with Breast Cancer: A Literature Review Introduction Breast malignant neoplastic disease pestilences about 2.5 million adult females in the United States, 1 doing it one of most prevailing signifiers of tumor that healthcare practicians dainty today. The hazard of developing chest malignant neoplastic disease increases with age, with one in 13 postmenopausal adult females developing the disease.2 Nearly 70 per centum of those postmenopausal adult females will hold a endocrine dependant ( estrogen positive ( ER+ ) , progesterone positive ( PR+ ) ) signifier of chest malignant neoplastic disease that utilizes estrogen as its chief alimentary beginning for the proliferation of the tumour. 2, 3, 4 In postmenopausal adult females, estrogen is chiefly synthesized in the peripheral tissues, chest, musculus, adipose, tegument by the enzyme aromatase.4,5 Aromatase converts adrenal androgens into estrogen via the CYP450 enzyme pathway.4, 5, 6, Suppressing aromatase and hindering this transition limits the sum of estrogen available for use by tum our cells, later forestalling growing and spread. Through this mechanism of action, steroidal ( Exemestane ) and non-steroidal ( anastrozole and letrozole ) aromatase inhibitors have shown to be extremely efficacious in the intervention of ER+/PR+ chest malignant neoplastic disease in postmenopausal adult females compared to that of Tamoxifen.5 Multiple landmark surveies ( MA.17, 2 ATAC, 7 BIG 1-98, 8 and EORTC9 ) , suggest that Tamoxifen is no longer a gilded criterion, and now recommend utilizing AIs as first line hormone therapy in these patients.5 With the spread outing usage of AIs by practicians in the intervention of endocrine dependent chest malignant neoplastic disease and the subsequent betterment in disease free endurance rates, more postmenopausal adult females are populating long plenty to see other comorbidities, such as cardiovascular disease ( CVD ) .4 Since CVD is the primary cause of mortality in postmenopausal adult females, 10 understanding the associated inauspicious effects AIs pose on cardiovascular hazard factors is pertinent. Lipid biomarkers are often assessed clinically to find a patients hazard of developing CVD. Previous epidemiologic surveies have shown that estrogen is protective and good to some cardiovascular hazard factors, specifically lipid profiles, via its direct effects on the endothelial cells found in blood vessels.6,11 Estrogen alters concentrations of lipoids in the blood ; diminishing serum concentrations of entire cholesterin ( TC ) , low-density lipoprotein ( LDL ) , and triglycerides ( TRG ) , while increasing serum concentrations of high-density lipoprotein ( HDL ) .11, 12 Therefore, it is thought that postmenopausal adult females taking AIs are deprived of this cardioprotective consequence of estrogen since its synthesis is being prevented by suppressing the aromatase transition mechanism. Therefore, the inquiry can be proposed: Make aromatase inhibitors adversely affect lipid profiles and later present an increased hazard of developing cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal adult females with ER+/PR+ chest malignant neoplastic disease? This literature reappraisal of current clinical test informations examines and assesses the usage of AIs, Exemestane ( Aromasin ) , Anastrozole ( Arimidex ) , and Letrozole ( Femara ) , on the inauspicious effects of the lipid profiles of postmenopausal adult females with ER+/PR+ chest malignant neoplastic disease. Search footings included cardiovascular, aromatase inhibitor, chest malignant neoplastic disease, post-maturity, lipid, Anastrozole, Letrozole, Exemestane, plasma lipoid, cholesterin, and lipid metamorphosis. MEDLINE in Pubmed, MEDLINE ( on EBSCO ) , and OVID were used to seek for peer-reviewed diary articles published between the old ages 2005 to 2010. Recent grounds showing the effects AIs render on the lipid profiles of postmenopausal adult females with estrogen dependent chest malignant neoplastic disease is discussed, analyzed, and reviewed in the undermentioned subdivisions. AROMATASE INHIBITORS EFFECT ON LIPID PARAMETERS Depriving chest malignant neoplastic disease stricken postmenopausal adult females of the benefit of estrogen via the AI mechanism is thought to hold damaging effects on CVD hazard factors. Several clinical tests utilizing assorted design methods have been conducted and show variable effects of AIs on the different cholesterin parametric quantities and lipoproteins. Table 1 summarizes the effects of AIs on assorted lipid biomarkers in the postmenopausal adult female with ER+/PR+ chest malignant neoplastic disease, and all surveies in the tabular array are discussed in the following subdivisions. Placebo Controlled Tests Two surveies have evaluated the consequence of AIs versus placebo on lipid biomarkers. As a secondary end point, Cigler et al13 studied the effects of Letrozole versus placebo on serum lipid parametric quantities ( TC, HDL, LDL, TRG ) in 60 seven postmenopausal adult females utilizing a random, placebo-controlled design. Lipids were measured at baseline and during the 3rd, 6th, 12th, and 24th months, and the per centum alteration from baseline was calculated for each month. Researchers noted a statistically important lessening in the TC at month 3 ( P value=0.052 ) in the Letrozole arm of the survey. The other parametric quantities ( TRG, LDL, and HDL ) measured were non significantly changed from baseline in either the Letrozole or the placebo weaponries. Writers concluded that Letrozole modestly decreases TC at 3 months ; nevertheless, the consequence is non sustained throughout the intervention clip period.13 The cogency of consequences in the lipid part of this survey are questio nable because of the imbalanced figure of participants in each intervention group, and the little population size that remained at the terminal of the 24 months ( Letrozole: 26 patients, and placebo: 16 patients ) . It is hard to measure accurate tendencies in informations with little population sizes, and consequences should be verified utilizing similar survey methods with larger population sample sizes. A confusing variable in this survey was the old usage of Tamoxifen in some patients and non others. Tamoxifen has shown to hold good effects on lipoids ; 14, 15 therefore, the consequences from patients that had antecedently taken Tamoxifen may non be a true representation of the effects of the AI entirely on lipid profiles. Another placebo controlled test utilizing different design methods was conducted by Lonning et al16 and contrasting consequences were found. The effects of Exemestane versus that of placebo on plasma lipoids in postmenopausal adult females with resectable chest malignant neoplastic disease was studied by Lonning et al.16 In a dual blind manner, one hundred 40 seven patients were indiscriminately assigned to an Exemestane intervention group or a placebo intervention group. Measurements of lipid biomarkers ( TC, HDL, LDL, TRG, ApoLipoprotein A1, lipoprotein A, ApoLipoprotein B, homocysteine ) were taken at baseline, and at the 3rd, 6th, 12th, and 24th month. Results revealed that the Exemestane intervention group had a statistically important ( P value & A ; lt ; 0.001 ) lessening in HDL versus that of the placebo intervention group. Besides, a statistically important ( p=0.004 ) lessening in Apolipoprotein A1 occurred in the Exemestane intervention group versus that of the placebo intervention group. Writers concluded that the steroidal AI, exemestane has modest effects on HDL lipid biomarkers and those hazard factors for CVD should be followed overtime.16 This survey included more participants than Ciglers study ; hence, the consequences seen here may hold more cogency. Besides, a different AI was used in each test, and this variable could account for the disagreement in consequences between the two surveies. No old Tamoxifen usage was denoted in the survey by Lonning et Al ; 16 therefore, the consequences are a better representation of the effects of the AI on lipoids without confusing influences of Tamoxifen. More placebo controlled tests are necessary to to the full understand the effects of AI on lipoids in postmenopausal adult females with endocrine dependent chest malignant neoplastic disease, and to denote if a true lessening in HDL exists. The following subdivision discusses tests in which AIs were compared with Tamoxifen alternatively of a placebo as the intercession intervention groups to be assessed. Tamoxifen Comparative Tests Surveies have been conducted utilizing Tamoxifen as a comparative intervention group to that of Exemestane, and their several inauspicious effects on lipid profile alterations are discussed. The TEAM Greek bomber study17 randomized postmenopausal adult females with early chest malignant neoplastic disease into an Exemestane arm ( 77 patients ) or into a Tamoxifen arm ( 65 patients ) , and evaluated HDL, LDL, TRG, and TC at baseline, and at 12, 18, and 24 months. Results indicate that TC decreased overtime in both intervention groups ; nevertheless, those in the Tamoxifen arm had a crisp diminution at month 18 and 24, doing the difference between groups at that clip period statistically important with P value=0.020 and P value=0.0087, severally. Both interventions had a statistically important lessening in HDL ; nevertheless, the Tamoxifen group maintained higher degrees of HDL, leting for a more favourable consequence than exemestane, with a statistically important average difference ( P=0.011 ) between the intervention groups. The Tamoxifen intervention group had a important consequence on the LDL parametric quantity doing a steep lessening in values overtime. exemestane had failed to demo any important alteration on LDL. The TRG parametric quantity revealed no noticeable tendencies for either intervention regimen. Research workers concluded that Tamoxifen has a favourable consequence on TC and LDL, while Exemestane has a more indistinct consequence on lipid biomarkers.17 The lessening in HDL in this survey is in harmony with that of Lonning et al.16 One restriction is that all four lipid parametric quantities were non accounted for in all patients in each intervention group ; hence, tendencies seen in each parametric quantity may non stand for the true tendency that would be present if all values were recorded for all patients at all measurement clip periods. This survey reiterates the idea that Tamoxifen has good effects on lipoids ; accordingly, it is hard to accurately measure the hazard of AI when the comparative intervention group is Tamoxifen. 14 Though some restrictions were present in this survey, comparative consequences were seen by Francini et al14 in another test utilizing different methods than the TEAM Greek bomber survey. Francini et al14 conducted a survey in which 55 postmenopausal adult females who had antecedently been treated with no less than 2 old ages of Tamoxifen were randomized into two intervention groups: either continue Tamoxifen or exchange from Tamoxifen to Exemestane. Lipid parametric quantities were measured at baseline and at 6 and 12 months. Consequences yielded were statistically important in the Exemestane arm of the survey entirely demoing a lessening in HDL overtime ( p value & A ; lt ; 0.05 ) , an addition in LDL overtime ( p value & A ; lt ; 0.01 ) , and a lessening in TRG overtime ( P value & A ; lt ; 0.01 ) . The differences between the Tamoxifen and Exemestane intervention group were non important except for the LDL biomarker ( p value & A ; lt ; 0.05 ) . Writers concluded that the addition in LDL of the Exemestane group may be due in portion to participants being antecedently treated with Tamoxifen, which is known to hold good effects on LDL.14 Francinis survey and the TEA M Greek bomber study17 indicate that there was a lessening in the HDL parametric quantity in the Exemestane intervention group versus that of the Tamoxifen intervention group, proposing that AIs may hold an inauspicious consequence on HDL degrees. This lessening in HDL was besides noted in the ATENA trial18 in which Tamoxifen had been antecedently used for 5-7 old ages before the patients were assigned to have either Exemestane or no intervention, merely observation. The addition in LDL found in the survey by Francini14 was besides seen in the ATENA test ; 18 nevertheless, the TEAM Greek bomber study17 did non back up this determination. It must be kept in head that patients in the survey by Francini14 and the ATENA trial18 had antecedently been treated with Tamoxifen before get downing intervention with AIs, while patients in the TEAM Greek bomber study17 were non. Hence, the design differences could account for the fluctuation of consequences between surveies on the LDL, TRG, and TC parametric quantities. A likewise designed survey by Montagnani et al15 exposed comparable consequences to the survey by Francini. Montagnani et al15 investigated the effects of Exemestane after anterior intervention with Tamoxifen, and indiscriminately assigned 60 eight postmenopausal adult females to go on taking Tamoxifen ( 20 milligrams daily ) or exchange to the aromatase inhibitor, Exemestane ( 25 milligrams daily ) for 2 old ages. Parameters ( TC, HDL, LDL, TRG ) were measured at baseline and at 12 and 24 months. Consequences showed that the Exemestane intercession had a important lessening in HDL, while the Tamoxifen group showed no significance in alteration from baseline. Therefore, a important difference between the intercession groups ( p value & A ; lt ; 0.05 ) was noted. Besides in the Exemestane group, LDL was increased from baseline ; nevertheless, no alteration was seen in the Tamoxifen group. The between group differences were besides statistically important with a P value & A ; lt ; 0.05. The Exemestane group besides had a statistically important lessening in TRG doing the between group differ ences important with a p value of & A ; lt ; 0.05. The consequences found in this survey showed some similarities with those discovered by Francini et al.14 Montagnani revealed important differences between groups for HDL, LDL, and TRG parametric quantities, while Francinis survey merely showed important differences between groups for LDL. In both surveies, the aromatase inhibitor was compared with go oning Tamoxifen after the patients had already used Tamoxifen, hence some of the consequences may hold occurred from taking the good effects of Tamoxifen instead than uncovering damaging effects of the AI. Both Francini and Montagnani revealed lessenings in TRG in the Exemestane arm. This would be considered a favourable consequence of utilizing AI, but since Tamoxifen negatively affects TRG and Tamoxifen was antecedently used by the Exemestane patients, the simple remotion of the unfavourable consequence of Tamoxifen could account for the consequence. To increase the respectability of these findings, comparable consequences should be confirmed in likewise designed surveies utilizing larger sample population sizes without old exposure to Tamoxifen. Banerjee et al19 designed yet another survey comparing a different AI, Anastrozole, to Tamoxifen, and to a combination of Anastrozole with Tamoxifen. The IMPACT trial19 compares the effects of utilizing Anastrozole, Tamoxifen, or a combination of Anastrozole/Tamoxifen on the lipid profiles of postmenopausal adult females with chest malignant neoplastic disease. In a stage III, randomized, double-blind multicentre trial,19 three hundred 30 patients were assigned to have either Anastrozole ( 1 milligrams daily ) + Tamoxifen placebo, Tamoxifen ( 20 milligrams daily ) + Anastrozole placebo, or a combination of both ( Tamoxifen 20 mg day-to-day + Anastrozole 1mg daily ) for a period of 12 hebdomads. Measurements for TC and HDL were taken at baseline and three months. Results revealed that the Tamoxifen merely intervention group had a statistically important lessening in the TC lipid parametric quantity ( p value & A ; lt ; 0.05 ) , while the Anastrozole merely intervention group had an addition in TC lipid parametric quantity that was non statistically important ; nevertheless, the difference between the two groups was important. The c ombination group consequences showed a important lessening in TC ( P value & A ; lt ; 0.05 ) , nevertheless the between groups differences were non important. A statistically important addition in HDL from baseline was noted overtime in all intervention groups ( P & A ; lt ; 0.05 ) , nevertheless the difference between the groups was non important. Writers suggest that, although there was a little addition in TC in the Anastrozole merely group, this negative consequence was counterbalanced with the positive consequence of the addition of HDL in the Anastrozole group, and that there is no damaging consequence on the lipid profile when utilizing the AI, Anastrozole.19 Measurements were merely taken over a 3 month clip period, therefore consequences are limited and the effects seen may non prolong through longer intervention tests. This addition in HDL in the AI intervention group is contrary to the consequences seen in antecedently discussed surveies. Different AIs were used in each t est and this unsimilarity in methods could account for the differences. Studies reexamining the disparities between AIs are necessary to find their several effects on lipid profiles and to measure if an AI is more good or damaging than the others. Comparison between Aromatase Inhibitors It is of import to understand the differences between each aromatase inhibitors several effects on lipid profiles to assist healthcare practicians choose the appropriate drug regimen for each single patient. In a multi-centre, unfastened, randomized survey, McCloskey et al5 compared the effects of Anastrozole, Letrozole, and Exemestane on lipid profiles in one hundred and two postmenopausal adult females, and randomized them into one of three intervention groups: Anastrozole ( 1 milligrams daily ) , Letrozole ( 2.5 milligrams daily ) , or Exemestane ( 25 milligrams daily ) , for 24 hebdomads with a 12 hebdomad follow up period. Measurements of lipid biomarkers ( TC, TRG, LDL, HDL, LDL/HDL ratio, Apolipoprotein B/Apolipoprotein A-1 ratio ) were taken at baseline and at the 12th, 24th, and 36th hebdomad. Consequences revealed that Exemestane had a important lessening from baseline in TC, nevertheless the differences between the three intervention groups were non statistically important ( p value=0.535 ) . The LDL/HDL ratio parametric quantity was significantly different for all three groups at the 12th and 24th hebdomad measuring, with Exemestane giving the greatest alteration ( p=0.007 ) compared to Letrozole ( p=0.025 ) and Anastrozole ( p=0.045 ) . This increased ratio in the Exemestane intervention group was due to the statistically important lessening in HDL ( p value & A ; lt ; 0.001 ) . The TRG measuring for all groups showed much variableness, with Letrozole demoing a statistical important addition at 12 hebdomads ( p=0.011 ) versus the other AIs. This alteration from baseline did non last through the 24 hebdomad measurement period. No other alterations were noted between the three intervention groups. Writers suggested that those treated with Exemestane have an addition in hazard of inauspicious effects on the ratios finding atherogenesis.5 The lessening in the HDL parametric quantity in patients utilizing Exemestane is in understanding with the antecede ntly mentioned surveies that used Exemestane as an AI comparator of pick. Since Tamoxifen was non a confounding factor here, the suggestion that Exemestane perchance adversely effects HDL, now becomes a more significant and valid statement because the consequence is still seen without Tamoxifen act uponing the consequence. However, it must be considered that this survey used healthy postmenopausal adult females, non breast malignant neoplastic disease patients, as the sample population evaluated, and the consequences can non be imposed as the same consequences that might hold occurred if the population had used a sample of postmenopausal adult females with chest malignant neoplastic disease. Long clinical surveies utilizing the right population sample and sample size should be conducted to further understand the impact of each AI on the postmenopausal chest malignant neoplastic disease patient. This is one of the lone surveies available measuring the inauspicious effects of each par ticular AI compared to one another. More surveies are necessary to corroborate the consequence that Exemestane offers more inauspicious hazard compared to Letrozole and Anastrozole. Decision Tamoxifen has been in usage for more than 30 old ages, and was considered the gilded criterion hormone therapy for handling postmenopausal adult females with endocrine dependent chest cancer.15, 20 Large epidemiologic surveies have shown that AIs are more efficacious than Tamoxifen in overall and disease free endurance rates, and hence are now recommended as first line accessory hormone therapy for postmenopausal adult females with chest cancer.3,15 With their known mechanism of action of striping postmenopausal adult females of serum estrogens, therefore taking estrogens protective effects on these cardiovascular hazard factors,6, 11 there is concern that AIs may hold inauspicious effects on lipid profiles. Most writers concluded that aromatase inhibitors have minimum effects or no inauspicious effects on lipid profiles in postmenopausal adult females with chest malignant neoplastic disease. However, it is hard to measure the true consequence of AIs on lipid profiles with Tamoxifen as the comparator since it has proved benefit on some lipid parameters,14 and because of the many different design methods used. Small sample sizes were restrictions in a few surveies ; therefore, the tendencies yielded in those tests may non be genuinely declarative of postmenopausal adult females with chest malignant neoplastic disease. Long term prospective surveies utilizing big sample sizes and patients with no exposure to any other hormone intervention besides AI, are needed to accurately measure if inauspicious effects on lipid profiles exist from the usage of AIs. From the current available information, though minimally, HDL is the parametric quantity most adversely affected by the usage of AI. This may be a cause of concern for some practicians since lessenings in go arounding sums of HDL are linked with additions in cardiovascular disease.15 Since HDL is considered good cholesterin and a positive hazard factor, diminishing the sum available in blood could perchance hold damaging effects on CVD. Healthcare practicians should be cognizant of this possible hazard of diminishing HDL with AI usage so that proper monitoring in their patients may be performed. Given that a current intervention option still includes the usage of Tamoxifen followed by exchanging to an AI, it is particularly of import to supervise lip id profiles since some studies14, 15, 17 have shown unfavourable effects on lipid profiles when doing this switch. To find if an existent hurt on CVD hazard factors occurs in adult females taking the non steroidal and steroidal aromatase inhibitors, more long term clinical tests should be conducted. In decision, aromatase inhibitors are being used more and more as first line accessory intervention in postmenopausal adult females with chest malignant neoplastic disease. Though it depletes estrogen beginnings, surveies show no well damaging effects on lipid profiles, with most merely demoing minimum, if any, inauspicious consequence. Placebo controlled surveies utilizing equal patient populations and sample sizes for appropriate sums of clip, are necessary to accurately depict the hazards of AIs on cardiovascular hazard factors. Healthcare practicians should go on to supervise lipid profiles in postmenopausal adult females with chest malignant neoplastic disease and develop individualized intervention programs utilizing current recommendations. Specific safety steps for patients utilizing AIs are non necessary,16 and the effects seen in the surveies mentioned in this reappraisal suggest that long term monitoring of all lipid parametric quantities should be a portion of the postmen opausal adult female with chest malignant neoplastic diseases intervention program. Surveillance of hazard factors overtime in these adult females with should assist forestall unfavourable cardiac events.

An Overview of Project Finance and Infrastructure

In the United States s alone, firms financed d S 19 billion o of capital expo punctures using project finance loans and bonds in n 2009, down n from $39 billion in 2008 and $47 billion n in 2007. The he economic crisis, which h began as a housing h crisis in the U. S. In n 2007 and SP bread globally y in 2008 and d 2009, froze g global capita al markets, cue retailed bank k lending, and d dramatically reduced p project finance lending. Of or this reason n, it makes sense to look k back at 2007, when thee credit mark sets were pop pen and liquid did, to understand the relative import once of project finance.In the U. S. , firm ms financed $447 billion of capital expense indentures using g project final once in 2007-?much less the Han the $1 , 1 266 billion corp. orate bond m market, the $9 44 billion MO Ortega-backed security market, the $8898 billion asset-backed security market, and the $3 359 billion tax x-free municipal bond ma racket. Yet com marred to fin Nanning much humanism f or new or start-u up companies, the $47 billion invested in project companies w was larger the Han the $46 b raised d through initial public offerings (IPSO) and the $332 billion NV vested in new w firms by venture al funds. Private-sector firms have historically used project fin nuance for mind distrust projects such as m mines, pipelines, and oil fields. Begin inning in the early asses, h however, privy ate firms also began financing infrastructure projects such ass toll roads, power plants, and telecoms immunization NSA systems. B More recently, in the 20 Coos, private firms have begun to fin nuance social infrastructure projects us such as shoo Owls, hospitals, and prisons.Studies on economic development find d that infrastructure investment is associated with as much as one-for-one percentage increases in g gross domestic product (G GAP), though GHz recent stud dies indicate that every dollar d of increased infrastructure spend ending generates an a Information on some e of the se and other projects ca n be found in Benjamin C. Zesty, Modern Project Finance: A C Casebook (New Jersey: Wiley, 200 04). B The infrastructure sector includes WA eater, transportation, electricity, n natural gas, and d telecommunications projects.In n these types of o projects the users of the project or the buyers off the output or eservice are typically individuals rather than companies. Professor or Benjamin C. Est. y and Senior Researcher Aledo Asses off the Global Research Group prepared this note as the basis for class discussion. Copying get 2010, 2011 President and Fellow was of Harvard College. To order copies or request perm session to reproduce materials, call 1-?800-5457685, write Harvard Busing news School Publish hinge, Boston, MA 021 63, or go to www www. Hubs. Harvard. Deed/educators.The his publication may y not be digitized d, photocopied, or otherwise reproduce cued, posted, or trans insisted, without the permission Of H Harvard Business S School. This document is authorized for use only by Bogie Ghana in Financial Management taught by Seward, at University of Wisconsin – Madison from January 201 5 to July 2015. 210-061 An Overview of Project Finance and Infrastructure Finance-? 2009 update increase of $1. 59 in GAP. Country-specific studies of development find that inadequate infrastructure severely hinders economic growth.For example, insufficient or irregular power supply reduces GAP by 1% to 2% in India, Pakistan, Colombia, and Uganda. 3 Despite the growing demand and opportunities for private-sector involvement in building infrastructure, private firms still provide only a small fraction of the total amount invested, which is a small fraction of the total project demand. Indeed, many governments have announced multimillion-dollar stimulus packages with a heavy emphasis on infrastructure spending as a way to stimulate growth during the current lobar recession.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Ground investigation in shallow offshore sites Article

Ground investigation in shallow offshore sites - Article Example t in situ where the installations are to be located, comprehensive data acquisition is required in the entire area affected and far down beneath the sea floor. Such processes that encompass offshore site investigations are varied in nature. They range from analyzing marine geological information, scrutiny of available geophysical data which is used to plan the actual investigations. Such processes that lead to the success of the above mentioned range consist of drilling, sampling as well as in situ testing which in essence includes penetrating into the seabed with the help of high technology drilling vessels. These processes encompass what is generally referred to as Geotechnical investigation. From The period 1985 to 1982 Lunne and Powell (1992) gave a review of developments in offshore investigations. They explored the various technological inventions that marked this period and discus the contributions of such developments to offshore studies with new in situ tests being tried out in the offshore environments, including several examples of field model testing. Lunne and Powell observed the general trend over the last 6-8 years which was the gradual increase in deep water developments. Due to the difficulty of taking undisturbed samples in deep water there has been a tendency to rely more on situ testing. Special geotechnical problems associated with geo-hazard evaluations have also inspired developments within the field of in situ testing. In addition the general competitiveness of the market has been a driver cost efficient solutions. Borings, the most efficient and probably accurate technique of shallow offshore studies come in two main varieties, large-diameter and small-diameter boring. Large-diameter borings Peres involve offshore drilling with large enormous machines that bore extensive areas. They are rarely used due to safety concerns and expense, but are sometimes used to allow a geologist or engineer to visually and manually examine the soil and

Connecticut gubernatorial election 2014 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Connecticut gubernatorial election 2014 - Essay Example Unlike most states, elections are held separately for the positions of governor and lieutenant governor. The winners get a chance to run together on the same tickets. History has it that Malloy and the incumbent lieutenant governor, Nancy Wyman, were re-nominated. There are several people running for the governor position such as Visconti Joe running as an independent candidate and Thomas Foley. The incumbent governor and the incumbent Lieutenant were nominated meaning there were no primaries held. In his statement, Malloy said that he was going to run again for the position. He assured the people that his campaign would be about the people. He emphasizes on the work they have done together over the last three years. He insisted that the campaign is all about the things that his leadership backed by the people need to accomplish in the next coming term (Yazbak A19). Malloy is currently fifty-eight years of age. He stands to be the first democratic governor to seek re-election in Connecticut (Yazbak A19). He is running against his core competitor for the Republican Party, Tom Foley. He defeated Tom in the 2010 elections by a margin of 6404 votes. Malloy is hardly beginning his campaign from scratch. The Democratic Party has collected $2.3 million since January 2013 in preparation for the election. The money is going to help the party to organize an active campaign in a bid to reach as many voters as possible in order to create a positive impact to all the voters (Murphy). Already Malloy and the organizing team for the campaign have named those to take key positions in the campaign trail. Malloy reassured his candidature since February when he embraced president Obama’s effort for minimum wage to be set at $10.10. He ensured that the agenda is set as a priority for the 2014 campaign (Murphy). Carefully scrutinizing any other polls conducted in the last several months, there is no particular one where

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Sports Econimic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sports Econimic - Essay Example Examples of these policies include securing women through the league and free agency. All of these have been discussed in detail. Other factors like labor, salaries and coaching involved in the league have also been mentioned since they are the key contributors towards the league. Keywords: Australian Football League (AFL), Salary, Competition, Competition Balance, Season, Team, Free Agency, Percentage Distribution, Scores, Point, Clubs, Discrimination, Assault, Harassment, Couch, Policy, Rules Football is no doubt an embraced game all over the world. It has intensively attracted a great number of people from different continents. For a long time, men had dominated this game while the women were left out. Today, it is a game for all regardless of the gender and age factors. If you are not a player, then you are definitely an audience. Sports are perhaps what many deny the attention but the Australian football League! You cannot afford to miss it. It consists of both games played usin g hands, like rugby and football termed as soccer in the U.S. Since the beginning in 1897, there has been progress in the game which a keen audience cannot fail to note. However, there are various issues surrounding the progress of this union, and needs to be reviewed from often to avoid loosing track. Competition existence: Competition in itself is a strong foundation for the growth and the interest of the football league. Every club has to prepare their team well enough to win the match. It is absolutely arguable too, to say that competition is also a disaster as much as it is the propeller for this league. Comparing them with the African league, they are definitely ahead. Very many components contribute to competition; every clubs player within the team has to work to his best as is expected for each team. It is through this that they market their clubs and draw more funs on their side. Booth suggests that â€Å"Most measures of within-season competitive balance focus on the dis tribution of team’s season winning percentages,† (p. 9), which applies in the case of 2012 AFL 25th season. Using the AFL ladder, you will note that several teams strived to acquire higher points to move up. Hawthorn and Adelaide teams have 68 points each, while Sydney (P) and Collingwood hold 64 points each. Their percentage distribution appears as follows respectively; 154.59%, 132.46%, 140.58%, 116.46%. (Coach – AFL, n.d.). This is appealing, and having two teams ranging with the same points but quite some distributed percentage, proves no club leaves behind a loose-end to be the Premier. Today, each club is striving to get the best player in the team for which he or she gets hired at a high price. Nothing good comes out of nothing and it is the reason you will find them striking deals every now and then. Everyone wants a high pay, so why not support the free agency timeline? So be it that, â€Å"Under the new system, if an offer is made for a restricted free agent, the club of that player has to match or better the offer if they wish to retain the player's services.† (â€Å"AFL CEO Andrew Demetriou Defends Free Agency†, 2012). Though some may refute the idea, this will be a step to improving the poor clubs’ performances in the game resulting to more desired contest. Competition balance between the teams: All variables put together, there will exist a miss and come a plus. To measure the balance, then consideration of external factors counts within a given

Economics Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Economics Environment - Essay Example The central bank of the economy takes its part for issuing such government debts by debt selling in the bond market and in the debt market. Generally the financial institutions of the economy buy such government bonds but the individual citizens of the nation are also allowed to buy the bonds and the national savings certificates. However, when the government caries forward a budget deficit plan regarding its public expanses for a very long time period, the total amount of deficit then called as government debt. In this situation some part of spending of the government used for reimbursement of such debts. (Budget Deficit, n.d.). A deficit financing through public borrowing generally leads to increase in aggregate demand in the economy and therefore stimulate the economic activities so as to increase the growth and level of employment in the economy. At the end of the Second World War Britain got relief from the huge deficits of the war. Government expenditure was mobilized to the other sectors of the economy. But with the rise of military expenditure in 1950 in Korea, the UK government had to take a deficit budgetary policy that led the amount of deficit to reach to almost 4 percent of GDP in 1953. With the entering in the period of cold war Britain took the policy of fiscal activism between 1950 and 1960. The amount of deficit fluctuated from 2 to 3 percent of GDP in almost every year up to 1967 when the deficit rouse again to 4 percent of the GDP. The government immediately took fiscal tightening measurements that ultimately resulted in surplus in 1969 and 1970. However, fluctuation inn deficit became ver y apparent after 1970 and in 1973 the deficit again came back to 4 percent of GDP. The situation further eroded when the deficit touched almost 7.3 percent in 1975 with the significant effect of the post war recession. This situation insisted the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Homeland Security - Capstone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Homeland Security - Capstone - Essay Example Ten years later, we are still looking for answers although much speculation and some verified facts have come out for public viewing since then. There are things we know for sure now – and then things we can only wonder about because there is no one available to answer the questions that only the dead know. But we have been able to piece some pieces of information together, only to come up with more questions, some of which we really dont want to ask because the answer could mean we were betrayed by our own government who did not heed the warning signals. For instance, Phillipine intelligence had indicated to the United States that there was an attack being planned to hit the Twin Towers and other well-known sites. The plot, Project Bojinka, was known about as early as 1995. â€Å"Project Bojinka was known by the CIA, and the FBI. It was described in court documents in the trial in New York of Ramzi Yousef, and Abdul Murad for their participation in the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993† (Ahmed, 2002). Additionally, FBI agents were aware of suspicious Arab-Americans learning how to fly planes in certain parts of the country. Special Agent Robert G. Wright Jr. said the Offices of the Directors of the FBI threated Wright with criminal prosecution if he said anything to the media about the prior knowledge the FBI had of the attacks against the United States, (Vernon, 2002). Special Agent Wright was demoted to doing paperwork at a desk in the office, and was scheduled to testify against the FBI for not saving thousands of innocent people of September 11, 2001, (Vernon, 2002). The purpose of this study has been to determine if there were any precautions we could have taken ahead of the event that would have prevented such an occurrence. We then look at what we have done since the attack to prevent further occurrences of terrorism

Article Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Article Analysis - Essay Example ird hypothesis for this study was that: Attentional factors, rather than peripheral factors are the major contributing factors to accidents arising from drivers using the cell phone while driving (Strayer & Jonson, 2001). The first experiment testing the effect of hands-free cellular phone communication on the interruption of driving applied a sample of 48 participants, all of them students. The sample comprised a balanced gender of 24 male students and 24 female students (Strayer & Jonson, 2001). In the additional control condition study, which sought to assess the effect of listening to a selected passage from a book on tape to creating a dual-task condition, the experiment applied a sample of 20 participants, who were also gender balanced, with 10 male students and 10 female students participating. The second experiment, which entailed the assessment of the specific localized source of interference in driving while using cell phone, was undertaken using a sample of 24 students, who were gender balanced, with 12 male students and 12 female students in participation (Strayer & Jonson, 2001). The threats to validity identifiable in this study include the fact that; the controlled condition experiment for assessing the dual-task interference tried to mimic the real world situation through applying broadcasts involving a mixture of music and speech (Strayer & Jonson, 2001). Nevertheless, such mimicking cannot derive similar results like in a real world situation, considering that in the controlled condition, the elements of interference are just the music and speech broadcasts, while in the real world situation, the elements of interference are much more, sight included. Therefore, the controlled condition may not derive completely valid results. The other aspect that puts the validity of the experiments into question is that; the study involved the application of simulated driving (Strayer & Jonson, 2001). This is not similar to a natural driving setting, thus

Monday, August 26, 2019

School budget shortfall Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

School budget shortfall - Essay Example The numbers, specifically the percentages of each source relative to the entire fund has indeed changed through time. In the year 2009, the federal government had a contribution amounting to $340,728,694 or 49% of the entire source. It is still the major source, but is it 12% lesser than its original share. The not-for-profit source hardly grew in 2009 in terms of percentage share, posting at 16.6%. Indeed, the industry percentage has grown to 8% from 4% in 2000 and 2% in 2005. However, these changes are not significant as the government still dominates followed by not-for-profit. Indeed, the school needs support from the private sector as well and this is actually a welcomed development. This however does not in any way say that the university is becoming increasingly corporate. b. There is something ironic about the claim of increasing corporate influence. As seen in the table, the figure for the Haas School of Business is the lowest. The total amount was recorded at $203,807 or only 07% of the over-all expenditure. This means that the business department of the school actually has the least budget among the other departments. This is clearly in contrast to the claim that the university is increasingly becoming corporate. c. There is a great divide in the distribution of funds.

The Downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate - Essay Example This can be pointed to the changes in research methods and analysis that are becoming more and more professional, and better equipped. With these kinds of tools, various historical researchers find different evidence that they support as to how the empire fell. Some historians argue that the empire fell due to the social problems that the Tokugawa Shogunate faced during this time amongst them. Other scholars however insist that the empire fell due to the economic problems that the Tokugawa Shogunate empire faced in their last moments. This paper is a critical review of some of the historian’s view of the reason as to why the kingdom fell. The paper does not focus more on the reasons why the empire fell but looks at the conditions that surrounded the fall and how historians have been changing their views over the past years regarding the fall of the Tokugawa Empire. Other historians have criticized some of these historical interpretations. However, a keen look at some of the ar guments that led to the fall of the empire reveals that most historians have a similar view as to why the empire fell with slight differences. From most of their interpretations, the downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate is attributed to their obsolete methods in economical, political and foreign affairs, other than the civil wars and battles over various positions in the colony among the Samurai. During the reign of the Tokugawa, there was a hierarchy of living. Politicians and those in government were considered to be at the top of the hierarchy while farmer’s carpenters and other laborers were considered to be at the bottom of the hierarchy. Due to this, the Samurai soldiers were fond of numerous killings and would be found cutting off people lower in the hierarchy without any reason1. Due to this, some of the people in the lower hierarchy would resists and come to war with the people in the upper and centre of the hierarchy. This was a common phenomenon since the early perio ds of the empire. Some early Japanese historians attributed this to the fall of the Tokugawa Empire. However, to Sir George Sansom, this is completely wrong. He points out that the oppressions of the Samurai people had been there since the beginning and that this did not point out to the fall of the empire. Published in 1932, Sir George’s history of the Japanese people has been widely used in the US to teach history students. Even though he disagree that the empire fell due to the oppressions felt on the people, he is fast in pointing out that the Tokugawa period was characterized by oppression and feudal rule. He clearly points out that people considered lower in the hierarchy were highly mistreated and some of them killed without mercy. He however points that soldiers solved such disputes and that it had nothing to do with the fall of the empire2. George points out that the Tokugawa government kept to themselves and never opened up to the west that was bringing change to th e rest of the world. Because of this, the government was left alone and continued to practice the old methods of governance, which had poor financial knowledge. Due to this, the economy of the empire did poorly as compared to that of its neighbors who had agreed to accept the west. There was therefore a cultural arrest of the Samurai people due to poor governance. Sir George therefore points out that poor governance led to the downfall of the Tokugawa Empire. This was depicted in many films and plays that was done on japans

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Read instructions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Read instructions - Essay Example Through caste system, everybody who is born in the society knows what is expected of him or her and this in turn ensures distribution of human capital in all important professions. There are 4 major castes, namely Brahmans, Kshatriyaas, Vaishayas, and Shudras. These castes included religious scholars, rulers and soldiers, farmers and traders, and common unskilled workers respectively (Jaffrelot, 174). The purpose of each caste was fixed and, therefore, a proper balance of all professionals existed in the society. This is one of the major advantages of caste system. Caste system also ends power struggle and violence in the society as everyone is aware of his or her job. No farmer or trader will have an ambition to become a soldier or ruler, and no similarly religious scholar will want to become rule. This puts an end to power struggle in the society and decreases violence related to power to a certain extent. Disregarding the demerits of caste system on individuals, one of its main advantages of caste system is that it creates a society where there is political stability. This can be termed, in a way, as an advantage of the caste system. The caste system has many disadvantages for common man. There is no chance for social mobility in a society with caste system and this can create significant disparity between rich and poor. A poor and socially downgraded person will never have a chance to improve the situation of his or her family. There is monotony in the lives of people who live under a caste system and this monotony is not easy to get rid of. A person has to live all his life with the label with which he was born. There is no chance to break away from the identity one is given at the time of birth. Another disadvantage of caste system is that it destroys principles of merit and skill. The intellectual ability of a person is determined from the caste in which he or she is born, and not by characteristics of his

Attend and Analyze a Speech - Delivery Aspects Essay

Attend and Analyze a Speech - Delivery Aspects - Essay Example His speech was quick, probably because he had a lot to cover in a short time. However, he took momentary pauses in between, especially after conveying something important to give us time to ponder over what he just said. He spoke animatedly with many facial expressions. His pronunciation was perfect although his speech lacked lucidity. The speaker appeared very confident in his speech. His appearance was very pleasing to the eye. He had a certain dignity in the way he spoke and moved about during the speech. He would hammer the fist of his right hand onto his left hand whenever he had to stress on the obligations that we should follow in daily life. I found this particular act of his to be very articulate and effective. He maintained eye contact with all the listeners, but most of the time, he would focus on the central part of the audience. He sometimes glanced in the book he carried, but that was less frequent. Most of his facial expressions conveyed more than words could. Whenever he spoke of kindness and compassion, piety and righteousness, his eyes shone with warmth and tears would appear in his eyes. His nonverbal communication was very effective and demanded both attention and admiration. Most of the time, he would point his index finger at the audience as if he was condemning them for something.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Undertake An Analysis Of The Strategic Position Of Tesco In The UK Assignment

Undertake An Analysis Of The Strategic Position Of Tesco In The UK Using Concept & Tools Of External And Internal Strategic Analysis - Assignment Example Undertake An Analysis Of The Strategic Position Of Tesco In The UK Using Concept & Tools Of External And Internal Strategic Analysis. Additionally, Tesco provides both online and offline financial services with a personal touch. The total revenue received by Tesco PLC as on February 2004 added up to ?33,557 million translating in a rise of approximately 18.7 % from the preceding year’s revenues that ranked ?28, 28 million (Humby et al, 2008). 1) Analyze its task environment Using PESTEL to categorize key issues which management need to respond to, focus on 6 CURRENT issues using evidence to substantiate them, for example: current Horse meat issue   Tesco operates in a globalised environment with stores worldwide, including six European countries. These include the Ireland Republic, Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey, Slovakia and Poland. The Asian stores are located in South Korean Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, and Taiwan. However, Tesco’s performance relies heavily on the mother country’s political and legislative structure (Henry, 2008). Legislation requires the government to supply the populatio n with a wide range of job opportunities, including the extremely skilled, high paid and centrally located chances. The population demands students, senior citizens and working parents to be considered in terms of job availability for varied groups of individuals. Tesco comes in play as a challenge to local businesses, which include the cutting of costs and declaring the company’s products obsolete. This results in driving the companies out of the market completely (Nathan Rao Consumer Affairs, 2013). Tesco tries to work against the problems named by providing a labor market to diverse employees including students, disabled and the elderly in the society with relatively lower pay rates. Therefore, the employees depict a significant level of loyalty to organizations with the increased level of staff turnover currently in the community (Ringland, 2006). Economic factors Tesco takes matters relating to economic factors with a considerable level of seriousness as the factors dire ctly affect the demands, costs, prices, and the profit levels of the organization in place. The high unemployment levels in an economy results into decreased levels of effective demands for varied goods. The production level of goods lowers with a decreased profit levels, which, adversely reduces and affects the profit levels. In as much as the operating company cannot control the factors, they adversely affect the performance, and marketing mix of Tesco. Despite the growth levels that are evident in the international markets, Tesco substantially relies on the UK market for its survival. Therefore, decreased demand of UK’s foodstuffs can expose the company’s market to face risks of making losses (Nathan Rao Consumer Affairs, 2013). The social and cultural factors The British customers tend to adopt bulk shopping from their previous one stop shopping criteria. The situation prompts Tesco into additional production of food pre-cuts in the country. The increased rate of t he â€Å"ageing population† and participation by women in the employment sectors result, in an increased demand for Tesco products and services. Additionally, Tesco tends to gear most of its focus on its own label of business blend, supply chains and various operational improvements with the capabilities of driving costs out of business. Consumers purchase

Research Proposal Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Proposal - Research Paper Example Despite this people are still motivated to go for the procedure, doing something that will drastically change their lives for the better or for worse (Camille 93). Plastic surgery has been in existence for quite some time now in the history of the US and the world over. It is a big business in the US and statistics showed that despite the recession, the business was still booming. Statistics from The American Society of Plastic Surgeons show that Americans underwent 14 million cosmetic procedures in 2010, spending approximately 10.1 billion in the process (Roger and Vanco). The procedure range from Botox, breast enhancements, to transplants and chin augmentation. Two kinds of plastic surgery are common, the reconstructive surgery after accidents and aesthetic surgery for purposes of beauty (Engler 9). Much as plastic surgery has been used to solve clinical problems it has continuously created ethical problems and debates whether some of the procedures should go on or not. Reconstructive surgery has been carried out mostly for clinical purposes to correct problems that come as a result of injury, accidents and tissue damage. It is mostly acceptable because of its ability to give victims a normal life they had before (Johnson and Whitworth 319). Cosmetic surgery on the other hand has been widely criticized by people because of ethical questions that arise as a result of the procedure (Engler 30). Adjusting body parts or changing appearance for beauty purposes involves changing nature and creation which amount to questioning the creator as some argue. Despite this debate cosmetic surgery is still a big business and many people are still going for it despite warnings and consequences that come with some of the procedures (Roger and Vanco). There exists a lot of literature on the topic of plastic surgery that can inform this study. This study is built on a mixed approach kind of

Social contract theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social contract theory - Essay Example Therefore in a political sense, the State is the representation of the means by which a group of individuals relate to each other out of the common will to live with other human beings in the community. Hegel views the State as the agent of true freedom for the individual. The basis of self consciousness in an individual, according to Hegel, lies not in his active thinking actions but in the active desires existing within the individual which are in negation. Hegel views self consciousness as desire and he believes that self consciousness can exist only through sublation in a referent other. The certainty of self and individual existence may be obtained through the gratification of the individual’s desires, however these are conditioned by the other; certainty exists only through the cancellation of the other, therefore if a cancellation of the desire is to be effected, there must be the other. (Hegel, 1967). Therefore Hegel does not view the individual a splaying a significant role in politics, except as a part of an institution, i.e, the State. The State is the form of inward self-expression of the people in an objective form. The validation of the individual would exist only in the form of recognition attained from others. For example, where individual ownership of property is concerned, such a property would belong to the person only to the extent that it is recognized by others, i.e, by the State. Being thus recognized by others symbolizes the individual’s struggle for recognition. The State in effect represents the subjective will of a collective group of people. Applying Hegel’s views, an individual’s nature is governed by desire and his self consciousness expresses itself in the form of the gratification of desires. However, according to Hegel, such gratification of desires can occur only in the context of some referent other, i.e, individual recognition is dependent upon recognition by others. In

Case review on O.J Simpson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Case review on O.J Simpson - Essay Example On February 4, 1997 a civil jury found Simpson liable for the wrong death of Goldman and the battery of his Nicole Brown. Simpson was ordered to pay to $35.5 million to the Goldman and Brown families but has yet to pay anything as his NFL pension is protected from such verdicts. He currently lives in Florida, where his house is protected from being forfeited for a civil judgment. The Prosecution did not have an eyewitness to the murder, but this was just about the only piece of evidence that was not submitted to the jury. There was an overwhelming amount of evidence linking OJ Simpson to the murder. Thus evidence as to Simpson’s violent nature vis-Ã  -vis his ex-wife was presented, including a record of extensive domestic violence. A timeline was establishing using a limousine driver who was to drive Simpson to the airport and Kato Kaelin, Simpson’s housemate, who established that Simpson was away from the house at the time of the murders. The evidence tying Simpson to the murders was technical and circumstantial. It was related to blood, hair, fiber and footprint analysis from the crime scene and at Simpson’s home. Perhaps the most powerful piece of evidence was a DNA test of a blood sample found at the crime scene which found that there was a 1 in 170,000,000 chance that it was not Simpson’s blood. Evidence to show that the eventual not-guilty verdict was sound was never really introduced to the trial. Evidence was provided, as already stated, as to a pattern of domestic violence that would logically lead to the eventual murder of Nicole Brown. The timeline of the night of the murder suggested that Simpson was abset from his house at the time of the murders. The forensic evidence taken from the murder scene and from Simpson’s house showed that his blood was at the scene and that Nicole Brown’s blood was found in a bloody footprint on the carpet outside Simpson’s bedroom. A bloody glove with the victims’ blood on it was found outside

Friday, August 23, 2019

Characteristics and Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Characteristics and Skills - Essay Example The most critical cycle for effective counseling is the 4Es cycle – On introspection as to why I have people turning to me for sharing their problems and going back with a sense of relief in my personal life, I have realized that I can build trust based relationships quickly that could actually help the aggrieved person. Some of the essential characteristics that I possess as an individual are strong yet effective communication, make an objective assessment of situations, the ability to call a spade a spade and communicating this reality to the person opposite in a way to empower them in their current situation and give feedback effectively has made me choose this particular professional career. The values that I bring to the table are the following Empathy is one of the soft skills that any person would need to be an effective counselor. Empathy actually means affection clubbed with passion touched by the quality of suffering. This particular characteristic is viewed by many professionals as the most important one in a helping relationship. â€Å"Empathy is often viewed as conveying sensitivity to the client and trying to understand what â€Å"walking in the other guy’s shoes† may feel like. The helper need not necessarily have undergone the experiences of a client to understand the client’s feelings (Brooks/cole - A division of Thomson learning, 2004).† Genuineness is another important aspect that any person who intends to take up a human service profession needs. Genuineness is the expression of true feelings. â€Å"To be a genuine helper, one must avoid role playing or feeling one way and acting another. Genuine helpers do not take refuge in any specific role, such as counselor or therapist. Genuineness involves self-disclosure. It implies a willingness to be known to others (Brooks/cole - A division of Thomson learning, 2004).† If the human service helper is genuine then

Brand management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Brand management - Assignment Example It is an international company with several sub-brands and a strong strategy in operation. In the United Kingdom, the company has a well-defined brand elements and architecture. Brand architecture acts as a powerful tool through which organizations can effectively organize the brands in their portfolio and focus on enhancing each and every brand in the market. In this regard, the choice of the brand architecture to be used is an important consideration which can greatly determine the performance of a brand in the market. In the case of Sony, the corporation has so many individual brands which create the need for effective brand architecture (Chernatony, 2008). In the United Kingdom, Sony uses the umbrella brand architecture in marketing its various brands across the country and beyond. This arises out of the fact that Sony has been a global brand over the years and the name has therefore become very synonymous with quality products. In this case, the umbrella or corporate brand offers an effective opportunity for the company to market its various sub-brands. Indeed, the nature of the products produced by Sony creates the need for a family name in order to limit much of the effort that would be used in promoting the individual brands. In this case, marketing can be done both for the individual sub-brands and by jointly marketing the family name. However, it should be realized that umbrella branding does not really imply that all the portfolio of the corporation falls under one name. Rather, the family name is just a unifying factor while each and every product has its different brand line. Across the United Kingdom, it is seen that Sony promotes its products effectively through the use of umbrella branding. Sony operates in the technology world where new products are constantly produced. For instance, when a new PlayStation is launched, promotion becomes much easy since the consumers are already acquainted with the bead name. In the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hr Policies in Automobile Sector Essay Example for Free

Hr Policies in Automobile Sector Essay 20 Tips To Help Prevent Medical Errors One in seven Medicare patients in hospitals experience a medical error. But medical errors can occur anywhere in the health care system: In hospitals, clinics, surgery centers, doctors’ offices, nursing homes, pharmacies, and patients’ homes. Errors can involve medicines, surgery, diagnosis, equipment, or lab reports. They can happen during even the most routine tasks, such as when a hospital patient on a salt-free diet is given a high-salt meal. Most errors result from problems created by today’s complex health care system. But errors also happen when doctors* and patients have problems communicating. These tips tell what you can do to get safer care. What You Can Do to Stay Safe The best way you can help to prevent errors is to be an active member of your health care team. That means taking part in every decision about your health care. Research shows that patients who are more involved with their care tend to get better results. Medicines 1 Make sure that all of your doctors know about every medicine you are taking. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medicines and dietary supplements, such as vitamins and herbs. 2 Bring all of your medicines and supplements to your doctor visits. â€Å"Brown bagging† your medicines can help you and your doctor talk about them and find out if there are any problems. It can also help your doctor keep your records up to date and help you get better quality care. 3 Make sure your doctor knows about any allergies and adverse reactions you have had to medicines. This can help you to avoid getting a medicine that could harm you. 4 When your doctor writes a prescription for you, make sure you can read it. If you cannot read your doctor’s handwriting, your pharmacist might not be able to either. PATIENT SAFETY *The term â€Å"doctor† is used in this flier to refer to the person who helps you manage your health care. 2 5 Ask for information about your medicines in terms you can understand—both when your medicines are prescribed and when you get them: What is the medicine for? How am I supposed to take it and for how long? What side effects are likely? What do I do if they occur? Is this medicine safe to take with other medicines or dietary supplements I am taking? What food, drink, or activities should I avoid while taking this medicine? 6 When you pick up your medicine from the pharmacy, ask: Is this the medicine that my doctor prescribed? 7 If you have any questions about the directions on your medicine labels, ask. Medicine labels can be hard to understand. For example, ask if â€Å"four times daily† means taking a dose every 6 hours around the clock or just during regular waking hours. 8 Ask your pharmacist for the best device to measure your liquid medicine. For example, many people use household teaspoons, which often do not hold a true teaspoon of liquid. Special devices, like marked syringes, help people measure the right dose. 9 Ask for written information about the side effects your medicine could cause. If you know what might happen, you will be better prepared if it does or if something unexpected happens. Hospital Stays 10 If you are in a hospital, consider asking all health care workers who will touch you whether they have washed their hands. Handwashing can prevent the spread of infections in hospitals. 11 When you are being discharged from the hospital, ask your doctor to explain the treatment plan you will follow at home. This includes learning about your new medicines, making sure you know when to schedule follow-up appointments, and finding out when you can get back to your regular activities. It is important to know whether or not you should keep taking the medicines you were taking before your hospital stay. Getting clear instructions may help prevent an unexpected return trip to the hospital. 3 Surgery 12 If you are having surgery, make sure that you, your doctor, and your surgeon all agree on exactly what will be done. Having surgery at the wrong site (for example, operating on the left knee instead of the right) is rare. But even once is too often. The good news is that wrong-site surgery is 100 percent preventable. Surgeons are expected to sign their initials directly on the site to be operated on before the surgery. 13 If you have a choice, choose a hospital where many patients have had the procedure or surgery you need. Research shows that patients tend to have better results when they are treated in hospitals that have a great deal of experience with their condition. Other Steps 14 Speak up if you have questions or concerns. You have a right to question anyone who is involved with your care. 15 Make sure that someone, such as your primary care doctor, coordinates your care. This is especially important if you have many health problems or are in the hospital. 16 Make sure that all your doctors have your important health information. Do not assume that everyone has all the information they need. 17 Ask a family member or friend to go to appointments with you. Even if you do not need help now, you might need it later. 18 Know that â€Å"more† is not always better. It is a good idea to find out why a test or treatment is needed and how it can help you. You could be better off without it. 19 If you have a test, do not assume that no news is good news. Ask how and when you will get the results. 20 Learn about your condition and treatments by asking your doctor and nurse and by using other reliable sources. For example, treatment options based on the latest scientific evidence are available from the Effective Health Care Web site (effectivehealthcare. ahrq. gov/options). Ask your doctor if your treatment is based on the latest evidence. AHRQ Pub. No. 11-0089 (Replaces AHRQ Pub. No. 00-P038) September 2011.